ISearch "Why" I search...
I feel that this particular topic choose me more than my having chosen the topic. Maybe it’s the business experience, maybe the community college experience I brought with me into that first semester but there is a cohesion between the community and the college that I don’t see here or anticipate. Perhaps the community within the college speaks to that. That’s what I’d like to find out.
This is my community and my kids’ community. Our education systems represent who we are as a community and reflect our own values. This issue is no different from any other. It’s my responsibility to my community and to this college to speak up when something isn’t working. In order to adequately and accurately do that, I have to understand the system; the way it’s meant to work, the goals it started with and at what point it deviates from those intents.
My experiences with the people for the most part have been good ones. The student population reflects diversity (that magic word) and commitment. The faculty that I’ve encountered fosters that commitment and committed as well to the success of their classes. Joyce Hedlund has genuinely shown concern for the issues that we’ve brought to her and has made great headway in specific areas.
There is still the underlying tone of discontent. There are still issues with transfers and curriculum. There are holes in the system that a lot of student potential falls into. I want to know why, what’s being done towards these issues and what can we as students and members of this community do to help resolve them.