Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Graf #15: Evaluation of the Evaluator.

*what you learned: The englishy stuff: Not so much the comma splices and what nots -more the meat, the guts, the mechanisms of an essay. Okay – so not so much the pretty stuff – more its aftertaste. More importantly I learned that I CAN trust myself in the mechanical and find my voice there as well.

* whether the course surprised you in any way: It did. I don’t know that I can articulate in what ways. More about me than you I think.

* whether what you learned was worth your time and money: Oh, no doubt. I’ve taken a few English 101 classes over these years. 3 others to be exact. (No, Ain’t no idjit, just been awhile. Credits DO have a shelf life.) Anyway, from my own practical experience the 5 graf essay is one we’ll see in a lot of other classes. Good to have that tool in my belt. Wasn’t there before. I don’t mind paying for a tool that I know I’ll use.

* what was good in the course : I loved reading everyone’s blog. That was way cool and thanks, everyone for sharing. I liked your feedback, too. Some I took personally but those were the ones that I most needed. I like that I feel a little more “polished”.

*what was not good in the course: I hate these kinds of questions. It isn’t that I “liked everything about it”, I didn’t. I hated the long nights in front of the keyboard praying for the words to come and cursing you when they didn’t. I hated having to do the frappin Isearch because it was a lot like work making sure that it was, well, an Isearch. I hated the nights that NONE of the prompts worked. There weren’t a lot of those but there were some and they sucked. What I realize is that these are all things about me…not the course. And I since I don’t know you well enough to attack you personally, I’m afraid what I disliked about the course has little to do with you.

*things I should change: in general? I recommend changing your underwear, changing your toothbrush at least every three months, changing your furniture arrangement once a year just to see what treasures you find (it also changes your perspective.) At every opportunity change your pace. On your birthday every year change your mind for an entire day about something that you feel emphatically one way about. Change your mind for 24 hours and see how you feel about it the next day.
But I digress.

* things that should stay the same: Blech…nothing stays the same. But keep what you like.

*any miscellaneous advice or suggestions for me: Well, this is some good advice that was recently given to me. It took weeks before I caught the importance of it or of the huge impact that it would have on the rest of my life. I was touched by it to the point that I’ve no choice but to share it. How could I selfishly cling to my moment of enlightenment especially when asked in such a straightforward manner? No. I just couldn’t keep it for myself. Okay. Here it is:

ALWAYS, ALWAYS pillage BEFORE you burn.

(No good at those questions either. Sorry. This is why I’m the student and you’re the teacher.)

This is my second semester with John A. (don’t worry I will NEVER ask) Goldfine. I liked what you taught and what I learned and you were approachable when I didn’t. I think you know your stuff and you share it well. Your sense of humor is weird but suits you and I like that you use it to help us learn. You’re human and you don’t forget that we are too.
And if I have to write one more word on the topic I think I’ll puke.


Blogger johngoldfine said...

Hah, you call that a graf 15 post? Either clear up all riddles, paradoxes, jokettes, and other stuff or go down down down.

Tue May 02, 12:00:00 PM  
Blogger millay said...

I don’t like writing evaluations and writing them twice? - Well that’s a little like hell to me but god forbid I don’t get that fraction of a point. I'll clear up those points and repost but you're giving me fodder for my eval.....

Tue May 02, 12:41:00 PM  
Blogger johngoldfine said...

Just kidding ferheavensake, as you very well know.

I would not overrate the importance of the five-graf essay in you academic armentorium. Once, you know them, the best thing to do is forget them and face each writing chore as if it were the first one you'd ever tackled. Let the five-grf stuff work in your unconscious without you actually willing yourself to pick it up and use it.

Tue May 02, 01:23:00 PM  
Blogger millay said...

Oh, kidding, huh? I see. I was kinda looking forward to going down down down. (I wasn't REALLY going to repost.)

Tue May 02, 02:50:00 PM  

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