Sunday, February 05, 2006

Prompt Week 3

12. Go to a crowded public place (not one of your classrooms, though) and be a fly on the wall. Just watch. What's going on? Set that scene.

I knew before I even loaded the kids in the van that I had no business going anywhere. Wasn’t that I was sick yet but I knew it was coming. I thought I’d just be tough and “independent” my butt through it. Nope. Isn't much that independence can do against a bout with a flu. Stuff just gets in there and takes its shoes off. Doesn’t matter what you do to try and stop it. In is in.

I went anyway. Took Aska to the mall to get his Legos. I did alright in the mall. I always feel sick there so that felt like nothing new. Then we headed to Target. After Doug’s, that’s the store most frequented by yours truly. Not going to try and defend it. Is what it is.

It was in the book aisle. I was looking for a Thomas the Train book for Hagen and as I stood up I felt all the blood drain from my face. The sweating started and there was just nothing but me and nausea. I held on to the cart for support and tried to drag myself through the aisles. Had to get something for supper and dog food. Needed laundry soap and a toaster oven. Threw stuff in the cart. Said yes to the boy's request for “Can I have…” and raced to the register.

“Hi. How are you?’

“Mmmph…” I did manage a sorta smile in return.

“Can I interest you in applying for a credit card…”

Before they ever get that line out of their mouths I’m saying “no” and “no way” and sometimes “no, thank you”. I have NO credit card debt and will not ever have any credit card debt thank you oh so much for asking.

“No. I wouldn’t”

“You sure cause it looks like you could save some real money. 10% off today if you apply.”

“No, I don’t want it.”

“Well, I think it’s a good deal.”

I was trying so hard not to get upset. I wouldn’t have minded her talking if she must, but could she please ring the items through as she tried to tell me that saving 10% today is way better than the 185% I’ll lose on interest in the future

“Really, please, I don’t want the card. Would you please ring this through?”

“Well, I was just trying to save you some money is all.”

My bill was steep. I knew that she was calculating the 10% that she’d tried to save me. Every now and then she’d peer over the rim of her glasses at me with a look of disdain - like I was wasting my money.

She ran the last item through and said “Are you SUUUUUUURE you wouldn’t like 10% off this purchase?”

I had been so careful all day, the antibacterial wipes on the cart; using clean tissues to push the cart around. I got myself out as soon as I realized that it wasn’t just the wine the night before. I did everything the right way. I didn’t endanger the public with my illness.

It took all the strength that I could muster – I didn’t cough in her direction. I wanted to but didn’t. Just gave her a look, carted my missives and left the store. I left her with her good health and carried my illness straight home and to bed but it took all the strength that I could muster.


Blogger johngoldfine said...

I'd have at least coughed discreetly and hoped fate might not spare her. You've got the tone of the cashier perfectly.

It's tricky turning nothing into something, but it's one of my favorite tricks--literally, this is nothing: shop and checkout. But of course, it's heavy with personality and individual style.

Tue Feb 07, 12:19:00 PM  

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