Monday, January 30, 2006

Graf #6


I’m an excellent cook when I’m motivated. I love poetry, philosophy and physics. I don’t like peanut butter and chocolate together but I like them just fine on their own. I drive a 1990 VW Vanagon with a Pink Floyd sticker in the window. I’ve moved more times than I could honestly count. I’m addicted to music and candles. I have a fierce temper but I only rarely lose it. (Maybe 3 times in my life.) In high school I skipped more days than I went. I get a high from a math problem that takes an hour to work out and fills more than a page. Lipstick makes me giggle. I have big feet but delicate hands. I worry about my mothering. I’m a little afraid of heights but I make myself get through it. I don’t like confrontation but when I choose a battle, I fight to win. I’m not afraid of the woods at night but a horror flick will have me up all night. I love peas but hate pea soup. I have a favorite coffee cup and I bum when it’s dirty in the morning. I prefer kids to most adults but I’m glad when they go home with their mothers. I’d eat seafood and salad every night if I could. My favorite books are my dictionaries. My sister is my best friend. My home is my sanctuary. I have more plants than I should. I rarely make my bed and I dip my toast in my oatmeal.


Blogger johngoldfine said...

Tightwire act: it's the fine quality of each item, the inescapable you-ness here that carries this. The void below the wire is the question of structure--it has no more structure than a juggler's shtik and like that only works because of the dynamic quality. It does work--don't misunderstand me--but it works because of an invisible art. That's not bad, just not safe.

Imagine the same structure with humdrum material:

"I like cars and good times. I am an excellent friend. I have blue eyes and brown hair. My favorite book is any of the exciting ones."

Mon Jan 30, 05:21:00 PM  
Blogger millay said...

I know. I worried after the structure and the bland sound of it. This was one of those things that just came out...Freewriting and this is what I got. I thought it had a sad or lonesome quality to it too that I didn't expect when writing. I don't like the "humdrum" tone of the voice but somehow I thought it fit with the overall quality. I'm happy to redo. I'm sure I could liven up the unique graf but I'm leaving this particular piece alone. It speaks to me....and of me.

Tue Jan 31, 09:43:00 AM  
Blogger johngoldfine said...

Sad, lonesome, yes; humdrum, no. That's the opposite of what I said.

Tue Jan 31, 04:27:00 PM  

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