Thursday, March 09, 2006

Graf # 13: Research

I've never really thought about how a school should run. Especially a community college. All of my exposure has been uneventful - not worth a thought. My experience since fall of 2005 has changed all of that. My research delves into the state website, other colleges administrators and my fellow students. I am privvy to some documents that also afford research material. I have note on scraps of paper piled up on my desk. When I read something in the paper about the community college system (why are there so many articles all of a sudden?) I cut out the article and add it to the pile. I'm organizing, reading, researching and just generally paying attention. All part of the Isearch, the goal, the letter in the end.


Blogger johngoldfine said...

Nice progress report but I don't assign progress reports--not wanting to spy. The actual assignment asks for your experience outside of academia as a researcher of life questions and issues.

Thu Mar 09, 12:01:00 PM  

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